Module Poirot

Poirot is a grammar-based injection fuzzer for black box systems

Pierre-François Gimenez
val version : string

The current version of Poirot


type grammar

The grammar manipulated by Poirot

type element

A symbol of the grammar, either a terminal or a nonterminal

Search functions

search oracle g goal start returns the grammar of injection from the base grammar g according to the oracle oracle, starting from the trivial injection start.

parameter oracle

an oracle built with the Oracle module

parameter g

the grammar of the query language (e.g. SQL)

parameter goal

the goal of the search, i.e. the element (terminal or nonterminal) you seek to get in the grammar of injection. Poirot stops the search once it is reached.

parameter start

a element (terminal or nonterminal) that is a injection.

parameter dict

(optional) an Hashtable containing the semantics dictionary.

parameter max_depth

(optional) modify the maximal depth of the search

parameter max_steps

(optional) modify the maximal number of steps of the search

parameter forbidden_chars

(optional) a list of forbidden characters. Such characters won't be used in injection. Useful to avoid escaped characters.

parameter sgraph_fname

(optional, for debug) export the search graph in graphviz dot format.

parameter qgraph_fname

(optional, for debug) export the quotient graph in graphviz dot format.

whitebox_search g_fname left_quotient right_quotient goal returns the grammar in file g_fname after a left quotient by left_quotient and a right quotient by right_quotient, as well as an word of this language. The word will contain the goal (if possible) if it is not None. The boolean returned tells whether the goal has been reached. The grammar must be in BNF format

Grammar manipulation functions

val to_uppercase : grammar -> grammar

to_uppercase g returns the grammar g with uppercased chars.

val to_lowercase : grammar -> grammar

to_lowercase g returns the grammar g with lowercased chars.

val set_axiom : grammar -> element -> grammar

set_axiom g new_axiom modifies the axiom of g with new_axiom.

val string_of_grammar : grammar -> string

string_of_grammar g returns the string representation of g.

I/O functions

val read_bnf_grammar : ?⁠unravel:bool -> string -> grammar

read_bnf_grammar filename reads a grammar from a bnf file filename.

val read_tokens : ?⁠unravel:bool -> string -> element list

read_tokens str reads a list of element from a string str.

val read_token : ?⁠unravel:bool -> string -> element

read_token str reads an element from a string str.

val export_antlr4 : string -> grammar -> unit

export_antlr4 filename g export the grammar g to antlr4 format into the file filename.g4

val read_dict : string -> (element, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

read_dict filename read the semantics dictionary from the file filename.

Log parameters

val set_log_level : Logs.level option -> unit

set_log_level lvl sets the verbosity level of Poirot to lvl.

val set_reporter : Logs.reporter -> unit

set_log_reporter r sets the reporter of Poirot.